TECHNOLOGY: Modern Day Nonsense

Why make a CD/DVD Burner and not offer software that allows it to burn?  It took me hours to find a free download that would allow my neighbor’s unit to work–and this was just purchased–because Sony bought NEC and doesn’t offer support because the unit’s been discontinued.  And, of course, the kicker with these things (in the past couple of years) is that Microsoft gets into the act by not including certain necessary bits of software support within their latest versions, i.e., the codecs in Media Player 9.  I have Nero software but I don’t like them because they tend to mess up other programs and I have  Roxio but I’m hesitant to introduce it on someone else’s pc.

I used to enjoy building computers; hell, I used to enjoy taking apart and fixing irons and toasters and light fixtures and drills and just about anything that could be opened without a special gadget that’s not allowed into the hands of the general public.  It’s a giant PITA lately.  It’s bad enough when you’re doing it yourself for yourself, but when you’re doing a favor for someone else, you have extra burdens on you to perform.

I wonder if, since it’s not fun anymore, it’s really worth the small financial savings.  On the other hand, if no one’s willing to pay you for whatever you are willing and able to do in any field of ability, then your time I suppose is not measurable in dollars so you’re just as well off to do it yourself rather than pay someone $75 per hour to do it for you.

And so I do.

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