Even as I fill the day with e-mail discussion about the ego, fears, methods and means of writing there are more discussions daily regarding both the reading and the writing of story.

At Chekov’s Mistress there is a post and links to more questioning of the the short story formm and Bud Parr’s simple logic:

"Keep writing, reach back to your classics for inspiration and rely on yourself to push the form. That’s the short of it."

More at Bud’s there is this gem from Borges:

"Nobody thought in terms of failure or success in selling books. We thought of writing as, I would say as a pastime, or as a kind of destiny."

And from Bud again, a post on the different levels of reading:

"There are so many levels of experience to be had by a great book that getting at some meaning as perceived by critics or academics or ticking off known references in your head doesn’t have to be a part of your interpretation."

It seems to me that Bud’s new set of twin boys in the family has either inspired more postings, or finds him up at all hours and I suspect that he’s learned to type with one hand while the other clasps a wide-awake infant to his chest.

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One Response to WRITING & LITERATURE: Mumblings

  1. Bud Parr says:

    ” I suspect that he’s learned to type with one hand while the other clasps a wide-awake infant to his chest.”


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