REALITY?: On Friends and Politics

It’s understandable: we all want our views heard, especially when the internet is not only an easy way to get them out there, but at campaign time, there is so much contrary to our own positions that we just hafta offer the opposing side.

As Election 2008 draws to its conclusion, I’ve found myself retreating from both the web and flesh-and-blood discussion.  For one thing, it’s not likely you’ll change someone else’s mind. More, it’s all a matter of what’s important to you as an individual. More even than that, you’re bound to discover things about folks that ain’t real pretty and politics should never interfere with friendships.

That said, I find myself still influenced by this one premise that comes out of political argument: if you don’t think there’s another side that could hold value, then you’re not likely to be somebody I’d want to spend a lot of time with anyway.

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