Okay, so maybe in the heat of reading about the executive bonus pay of 160 million I (and the rest of America, except perhaps for the executive wives and families) get a bit overexcited about seeking justice.

I’m sorry I suggested that we egg Liddy’s house.

And yes, I know I have no legal expertise or even the vaguest sense of law but I do know fair from unfair, and I do know from personal experience that 1) Liddy’s legal team likely wasn’t looking the contracts over to find a way out but rather to assure their bosses that they were airtight and 2) just because a lawyer passed the bar it doesn’t mean he has an ounce of common sense or hasn’t been disillusioned enough by the system to prefer to take the easy way out. I’ve fought based on contract wording and had four lawyers disagree or waffle on it until the judge stated that my argument was  unequivocally legally sound.

So, any chance of the taxpayers filing a class action suit against AIG’s executive officers and their cockamamie decisions that brought the company to near ruin and then turned around and did it again with taxpayer dollars?

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