Funny, a woman can come on so wild and free,
yet insist I don’t watch her undress, or watch her watch me,
then stand by my bed and shiver as if she were cold,
just to lay down beside me and touch me as if I were gold.

Thinking of Willie this morning, and how he’ll be right in Torrington this week. Made the decision not to put out the money for a ticket, just because of the economy and the still-real possibility of loss of income for us. How do people afford shows and dinners and trips and such? Job security? Money in the bank? Live for today attitude?

At any rate, I’m stuck in the shop today and listening for a while to Willie where he sings only to me for free and I’m caught once again in the lyrics of songs such as this because of their reality, their poignancy, their simple wonder at life and the things that mean something regardless of time or tyranny.

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