Uh-oh. It seems that my sharpened eye has leaked into my ear and I find myself finding the flaws with tv shows and commercials.

Just saw the Hallmark talking card ad: a woman, surrounded by her family at a dinner table, opens a birthday card from her sister and is surprised by an audio clip in her sister’s voice saying something like, “You’re the best sister, wish I could be there…” and one of the men at the table says, “I was just going to say that.”  Duh?

Another ad by some new clothing store that starts with a K was a visual transcript of an audio 911 call wherein a woman complains that she’s being robbed because she gave them money and all she got was clothes. Uh, didn’t anyone from the company listen to this before it went on air? What does this really say about the quality or price of the clothes?  They don’t air this ad any more, but the new one’s not much better.

Am I just getting crankier with age or are writers getting sloppier?

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2 Responses to REALITY & WRITING: Editing

  1. Jess says:

    That clothing ad drives me nuts!

  2. susan says:

    And this is why I’m pushing you to write; you’re good and Lord knows the world needs good writers more now than ever before.

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