WRITING: Daily and now Weekly too!

Sometime last year something snapped in me and I started writing a lot. I mean, a real lot.

After last summer’s 100 Days hypertext stories, I thought it’d be a long time before I wrote quite so prolifically again. But then I joined fictionaut, and that spurred me on because I got excited about writing. It’s such a good group of serious writers, most of them published already, that I tested the waters and was met with such support and camaraderie like I’ve not found in any groups prior. The next best thing about fictionaut was that I could read the type of stories that were getting published and step up my own writing under the influence of contemporary style.

So now I’m doing this summer’s 100 Days, but with traditional text style flash fiction daily. Now on the downward side of the mountain, I’m already getting antsy about what will I do when it ends in August. With the spotlight held by Dorothee Lang of Blue Print Review and Daily s-Press, I’ve finally looked into the 52/250 site that offers a theme as a prompt to write a flash piece under 250 words every week for a year. Jumping in on the deadline of this week’s theme, I just sent them an entry.

I guess this means that I’m now committed for the next 41 weeks, since they started in May and that sounds just fine to me. Looking around the site at the contributing writers I can see I’m in among friends, and Michele Elvy is the editor putting the whole thing together. The only thing that makes me a bit antsy: I really, really feel that I must write the first 9 that I missed.

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