BLOGGING: Feed Widget for Pages

Think I’ve discovered a way to add a feed to each single page here, something I’ve sought for a couple of years.

The Pages feature works well for me most of the time. I have two separate weblogs for literature/reality and for new media and really didn’t feel the necessity of starting up yet another database for the writing. When I first started with Typepad back in 2003, I was starting all kinds of weblogs and then deleting them. The Pages feature here kept everything more organized it seemed and called for a lot less maintenance. The other good thing was that since many of the Pages were for original stories, I could protect them from both Google and outside reference since many literary journals insist on absolutely no form of publication acceptable, weblogs included, and Password Protect worked for me, allowing me to give out the password to those who requested it.

But a Feed could be useful in some ways and I’ll be looking into it soon.

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