REALITY?: New year dreams & wishes

I wish you love and happy things. I wish you friendship and the joy it brings. I wish you the sight to see the things in everyday life and what it means. I wish you inspiration in common sights. I wish you joy midst the blights of life. I wish you the time it takes to write, to share, to live and breathe and feel. I wish you passions of every kind–the good and bad and the understanding of mind. I’m wishing you the ability to write like this but better; with the freedom of flow unhindered by Windows Word but fueled by a glass of wine and the best stuffed shrimp I’ve ever made. I wish you good health to live to ninety and more if you still want to. I wish you peace and understanding of time and space and your own place in it. I wish you the ability to name that space. I wish us all–some faraway day–to meet again in space and place. And I wish to raise one more glass of wine that will last us all the coming time. Love, tears, happiness, appreciation, understanding, and soul everlasting. Love, Susan

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