REALITY?: It Is a Good Day to Die

Those words are attributed to Crazy Horse before the Battle of the Little Big Horn.  They went through my mind a couple times today, as I walked out in the unusual warmth of a January day.  There have been many days like this that I gratefully recall.  Most of them have been the first warm days of Spring that smell different than the winter yesterday.  But there have been a few that were the crisp cool of Autumn splashed with colors, or the intense blue sky of a morning when the sun finds the sparkling ice-covered world of a Winter’s day.

It indicates no desire for death, there is no depression or resignation in this thought.  It is rather a joy and realization that near perfection has been experienced and no further needs, no more from life need be asked.

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3 Responses to REALITY?: It Is a Good Day to Die

  1. easywriter says:

    Perfectly said. You understand what people mean when they speak so well.

  2. Roberta S says:

    Hi susan. I think it also perfectly reflects a feel of utter confidence and lack of fear. Your thoughts are as nicely put as the phrase itself.

  3. susan says:

    Thanks, I think you both understand what I mean because you’ve likely experienced it. The feeling is one of sudden and complete contentment and peace. If we could only learn to carry it with us and see such beauty in all things.

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