LITERATURE: The Life of Geronimo Sandoval – Character Analysis

Unable to read today, Ham Sandoval still visited my mind to keep me wondering.  I have as scattered a series of thoughts as the boxes of text that tells me who he is.  I see his fears, some that no one but Ham could imagine, some that I recognize as that of every man I’ve known.  He is grown, he is a boy, he is both within the structure of the story, but as I see him, he is boy even grown, grown as a boy.

How to explain?  By context of course.  But then, the medium doesn’t work like flipping back pages.  I must adjust to the nature of the beast.

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One Response to LITERATURE: The Life of Geronimo Sandoval – Character Analysis

  1. melissa says:

    Such a wonderful story of someone trying to find something to unify him. I am not a man/boy, but do find that I myself also relate.

    You write your thoughts very well.

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