LITERATURE: Shop At Home Binge

Okay, so the sun is shining, the birds are singing, early dawn saw clouds running across the morning sky and an e-mail check showed another sale.

Sixteen more books due in, at a cost of $3.12 each including shipping.  But I’m going to have one of the best classic lit libraries in town. 

It used to be shoes; I have boxes and boxes of shoes including two pair of purple, two of apple green, and a couple real woolen ones–one plaid, one herringbone–all bought on sale when sales were $5/pair (and for size 4-1/2, there were plenty to choose from).  I even checked out the clogs before I pressed the submit order button on the site.  Couldn’t help myself; just had to look.  And there’s a lovely sapphire ring I’ve been drooling over for many months, but Willie’s concert and the need to read have overcome.

And thanks to my sister, there’s no longer any use trying to save to build that home addition.

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