LITERATURE: At Swim-Two-Birds – Skimming

Yes, I’m at that point.  Halfway through and it’s gotten to me.  While I’m awed by the skill and intrigued by the methods, I’m just not into the story(ies) enough to deep-read this one right now. 

It’s a personal thing; my mind has been taken up by other things that claim the good part of me that seeks the enjoyment of reading and writing and life in general.  Until one of the bigger weights is off my head, it’s still difficult to concentrate on things that deserve the attention but are not vital time-wise to expend on them.  I’m amazed at this book, and hate to leave it–right now I see it as a guide to writing, and in particular, writing hypertext fiction.  O’Brien almost lays it right out as a pattern for consideration.  He tells us what’s going on with multi-layers and characters taking over story and going their own way once birthed.  He has them fighting their creator, the author.  It’s great stuff.

But it’s wasted on one such as me.  I’m going to skim the rest, just to see if I can pick it up further into the story without getting bogged down with the language and escapades that don’t appear to present plot as much as entertainment and interest.

May the Great God of Literature forgive me.

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2 Responses to LITERATURE: At Swim-Two-Birds – Skimming

  1. Barry says:

    I’ve been watching your progress with At Swim Two Birds – it really is an amazing book, but I think that it is one that needs to be read over a fairly short space of time, at least initially, just to get the dazzle of it (and to get through the rather turgid parts involving Finn). At half way through, the best is before you.

  2. susan says:

    Oh poo. Last time it was Bud Parr that convinced me not to put down a book–I think it was James Joyce. Or maybe the first time I read Faulkner and came into Benjy’s thought process.

    Thank you. I will persevere.

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