REALITY?: Chocolate Cake Day

I’ve tried to put it off, I really have.  Because of those extra pounds that showed up on the cardiologist’s scale (though only half that many showed up on mine at home.)  But times are tough, and chocolate cake with cream cheese filling, and as many semi-sweet chocolate bits that the cake can possibly support, is the only way to overcome it all.

He doesn’t eat any of it–though there may be a brief window of time in which it is available to him.  With no one visiting, I shall eat it all.

Waiting on the mailman; the envelopes I recognize as those I addressed myself are most unwelcome.  As the days go by the absence of these I take as good news–so far.  The absence of another, different envelope is not good news.  That means only that I’m not even in the running.

But all can be accepted–for a day or two at most–because of chocolate cake.

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Chocolate Cake Day

  1. jessica says:

    Well. As I’m reading this blog, I am well into a chocolate chip sour cream cake. I received my answer three weeks ago – the editor said she’d let me know that week. Time has passed, she’s apparently disappeared, and does not answer my emails. In the meantime, it’s begun snowing and turned nasty cold…and I have an insatiable need to bake. Oh, and there were oreos before the sour cream cake tonight :)…sigh.

  2. susan says:

    Oh–I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! And pray, of course, to The Chocolate Spirit for luck.

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