EDGAR AND I: Personal

To quickly dispel any possible circulating rumors that I am a depressing, bitter old lady, let me give you one or two tiny pieces of the puzzle. I have a husband who makes the best chili and gazpacho (obviously a patient man—who else will take an hour just chopping vegetables?) and who has brought me a single red rose every Friday for the last fourteen years. He is perhaps, the rock to which I cling when I’m dancing in real reality. My writing is something that perhaps is often gloomy or sardonic, but that is from no other man but Edgar (Oh look—he’s smiling down at me!). That, and the inclination to write most often when I’m having a saggy diaper day.

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3 Responses to EDGAR AND I: Personal

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh dear God,if only I had the patience to be able to sit in front of my computer,or my paper with a pencil and keep making sense of the scribbles that thusly generate.However,for some reason,I need to be swamped with life to be able to keep churning out words from my pen.I must look into buying one,while I’m at it.
    Commendable what you do,really.

  2. Susan says:

    Thank you. All it takes is a kick in the butt–in the right direction, of course. We all get kicked daily by one thing or another, but sometimes–just sometimes–we’re bright enough to recognize when to stay on the path. Here’s my kick to you: Buy whatever you need to do whatever you love doing.
    By the way, the system works and I have no clue who you are; your anonymity is assured. Unless you are local and I recognize my footprint…

  3. neha says:

    In that case,I must buy a bit of freedom,so I can finally be on my way to being a dancing gypsy.

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