EDGAR AND I: He started it!!!

Honest, I didn’t push him off the top shelf to land face-up on my keyboard staring blank and accusingly as if I “done him wrong.” It might have been that I had adjusted him a bit when dusting earlier and he lost his balance. For all I know, he may have jumped. He’s been so quiet lately. But I still hold him to be the master, and he knows that. But even God Himself must read other works than Poe. He’s pissed and acting pissy. I returned him to his spot of honor, quickly checking for injuries and there were none. The brick he leans upon just seems somehow a little closer to the edge–did I move that in dusting? Well then, I shall just go in the other room and read and leave him sulking back up above my keyboard. So there! I think. But methinks that Edgar also knows well enough that it won’t be long before I’m back at work.

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