It’s a happy, sappy, bouncy, flouncy day!

Absolutely everything is going to go well today, I’m sure of it: Starting with a birthday breakfast for my neighbor and friend; then on to a stimulating Contemporary Fiction class; from there to my job where I love to work when the barn’s not too cold; there’s a lovely soft cover of fluffy snow on the ground and I don’t have to worry because I drive an SUV and can laugh at the snow this winter; the squirrels are glutted on birdseed; I haven’t filled out all the entries in my company checkbook so I may have more money than I think, or maybe not; my naturally brownish blondish hair is peeking through and I’m going to let it because it’s not a priority time-wise and natural is good; my thumb has gone out on me twice this morning so it can only get better as I work and exercise out the pain; and I still don’t know what to make for dinner so that can be a bonus adventure!

Gee, life is swell!

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Mood

  1. edgar says:

    Susan, your perception is off again. Life is gloom and doom and it is far best to accept and let it remain ever so. The truth is evident and must be faced with trepidation and fear.

  2. Neha says:

    It’s happy, sappy, bouncy, flouncy, fun fun fun fun fun!!! The wonderful thing about you, is you’re the only one!!!(Sing it to the Tigger tune)

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