PEOPLE: Marriage and Divorce

Another couple we know is getting a divorce—this, after nearly twenty-five years of marriage. I understand it, yet it’s still a sad place to be, for them and all that know them. J and I married late in life, at forty-two, both for the first time. I did my screwing around before then, lucky to meet J at a time when commitment was not quite a dirty word anymore. And J, well, his mid-life crisis I suppose, was me.

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One Response to PEOPLE: Marriage and Divorce

  1. Anonymous says:

    Well, I am 42 and reading this article, cheers
    me up.
    First, because it is quite acceptable to marry
    at 42 and second, because it is possible.
    There are people who say that life is over when
    you turn 40, but it seems to me that they are
    I may not marry, but there is nothing wrong in
    living with someone, even if that happens when
    you are 42 and for the first time in your life.
    There is time for everything, isn’t there??
    Thank you!!!

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