PEOPLE: Quizilla

We must all be honest with each other here, stand up tall and admit our addiction to Quizilla. Of course we know that these are not accurate representations of ourselves completely, but aside from the fun aspect, if the questions are reasonably written, answers are within our realm of honesty, and we do answer them honestly, at the very least, they can initiate more questions of who we think we are versus who we really may be!

After taking a slew of these personality tests along with the more refined and professional tests available online, I’m finding some new dimensions and conflicting versions that may offer an overall picture not conclusive, but often different than what I held myself to be. I’ve mentioned before that in a recent Communications Course I was surprised by how the others perceived me. Some of these silly little tests are confirming their opinion rather than what I believed myself to be. We change with time, and maybe we forget to look inside now and then to recognize those changes.

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