WRITING: Creative Fantasy


I am amazed at the number of women who do not have a sexual fantasy figure in their lives. I realize that studies have shown that while a majority of women do, a large number will name their husband or boyfriend as their fantasy man, will not admit to having one, or simply have no interest in creating one. But this isn’t about psychological studies of a wide-range, global, brain-dissecting nature. This is just some ideas forming from random conversation with other women, some who are casual acquaintances and some who are close enough to reveal names along with juicy details!

Me, I think I’ve always had somebody in mind, even when I didn’t know what a sexual fantasy figure was. First up was probably Clint Eastwood—and that was back when he was on TV as Rowdy Yates in the cowboy show, “Rawhide.” You must admit, I knew how to pick ‘em. Robert Conrad was cute, and Clint Walker was quite a hunk (surviving a ski pole through the heart in a skiing accident kind of proves it). Now that I think of it, my very first dream-inducer was the Cisco Kid on TV. Never followed this (wagon)train of thought before—you’re seeing it here, live!—but the cowboy theme seems to have carried me through all my life: Sam Elliott, Tom Selleck, and the latest and long-standing, Willie Nelson. Of course I always thought Waylon Jennings was the super sexiest, I do have my standards; Waylon was obviously married to the lovely Jessie Colter. Yeah, Willie was married too, but who ever knew when or to whom at any given time. I liked that about him. Always, always went for older men. Really don’t understand the psychology behind my only marriage to a man eleven months younger.

Cripes, I start on a very simple topic like women and their fantasies, and it leads to seventeen more paths I can take from here, and they’re not by any means direct. Now I’m wondering why I chose cowboys when I’ve always consider myself more of an Indian…

Guess the post stops here until I figure out which way to go with this.

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