Cripes, why did I even go into the living room? J’s sitting there eagerly awaiting the start of the Nascar Daytona 500, and I wander in when I heard the President’s voice. I watched through the blessing, and then I wanted to see an all-grown-up Lee Ann Rimes sing the national anthem. Here’s where the tears that had started welling up in my eyes at the Americanism of it all turned into that sore throat feeling and blurry vision when you’re holding it back. The Stealth flying over did me in. J just laughed at me as I ran for a tissue.

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One Response to CURRENT AFFAIRS: Daytona 500

  1. Amy says:

    When my husband was learning to fly at Embry Riddle (oh and getting a college degree along the way) he used to sell beer at the Daytona 500. I just told him it was on and he’s excited! I know that feeling when jets fly over — I get a few tears in my eyes! Same for bagpipes. Ridiculous, irrational, sort of primal.

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