BLOGGING: Split Personality

Lynn at Reflections in d Minor just made mention of the fact that Spinning is a Literary OR a Personal Journal. This is one of the things that I have noticed since the beginning, and waffled back and forth about how much personal stuff would be posted in what I intended to be a literary weblog.

As the six-month anniversary of Spinning is coming up this week, I’m wondering if perhaps I shouldn’t separate the two sides. It would eliminate the needless torture of plodding through my moods, and I tend to blog more during a down time, for those interested in more literary insights, amateurish though they be. And it would eliminate the needless scanning through postings on writing elements for those more interested in watching psychological decay. That way, there’d be a separate weblog for each one of you, my two readers.

But then again, the moods make the writing, and writing about them reveals one’s literary progress.

So for now, I suppose it shall remain as is, with the note that each post starts out with the category title, and with that label as a roadsign, you can skip along as you like.

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4 Responses to BLOGGING: Split Personality

  1. JCF says:

    I agree that the moods are part of the process – keep them. You’ve commented to me from time to time that that was why you liked the Foundry. (Although I did spin all the chicken stuff off into a separate blog…)

  2. susan says:

    Thanks, Joe. Actually I kinda miss your chicken stuff. I’ll have to look into the coop I suppose!

    And yes, this is a process that’s entwined so there’s no real reason to try to keep them separated. Each feeds and depends upon the other.

  3. Lynn S says:

    I didn’t mean to imply an “or.” I just ran out of things to say after two words. 🙂

    Believe it or not I started out with the intention of being a political blogger but things sort of evolved. I’m not completely sure how it all happened but I wrote a couple of things about music (which I hadn’t intended because all I really know about is what I like) and almost overnight people started calling me a music blogger. Now I feel some obligation to be what people expect me to be but sometimes I get an idea to write about something that doesn’t fit. I try to be somewhat consistent but not too rigid. It seems to be working okay. I think most people prefer a blog with some personality.

  4. Loretta says:

    Well, if you want my opinion, and I’m giving it anyway, is that you should not split it up. What I love about Spinning is the mixture of the scholarly and the personal. I like to read your posts on critiquing, and also know that you are wearing a nicotine patch and frame for a living. I think the mix is great!

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