All I wrote yesterday was a post on unpatriotism, (I know, but I like the word), political correctness, extreme liberalism, open mindedness, allegiance, blindness, and checking out the facts. It wasn’t written well, it wasn’t thoroughly researched, and quite honestly, it was a pouting and spouting of the kind that I openly deplore, specifically a point made in the piece. Wisely, it wasn’t published, but sits within the blipping bytes of the whirring hard drive of this machine.

If I’ve nothing to say that’s new, there’s really no sense in aligning myself with better thinkers by pointing to blogs that reflect my own viewpoints. You’re all grownups, and far better informed than I.

Furthermore, reality, especially politics, tends to severely cramp my creative spirit. So this is it. A silly post saying why I am not posting.

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One Response to CURRENT AFFAIRS & WRITING: Or not…

  1. Beverly says:

    Simply stated, every one of your posts are beneficial to me. If it is not for the beauty I enjoy in your writing, than it is for the fact that it keeps track of time. The reality of school is coming nearer with every post of yours I read. Your consistency to blog daily gives me inspiration and enforces commitment to the learning process. We’ll soon be heading back to the grindstone where we focus and dissect individual subjects that will enrich our lives and move us ahead.

    I have often wondered why “unpatriotism” is looked upon as a scornful word when it could be described as a persons individuality. Politics has a way of crushing ideas with labels. A creative mind does not meld well with politics unless it is thoroughly educated. A lot of hard work by learning the rules or at least having efficient accessibility to them gives strength to defend and execute ideas. Isn’t that why some lawyers successfully find their way into politics? I tend to voice politics on eggshells. A continuing journey I . . .

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