EDUCATION: Statistics on Statistics

Very strange experience today, in the computer lab on campus. Sitting in a row, head bent and working on producing several histograms because the downloaded program I can use at home is an upgraded version. This means, of course, that it is so complex that it is easier, instead, to use the older version here at school.

I graph one out, hit print. Another and another, four in all, although I really do need duplicates of each of them. I rise and take the walk over to the printers. Only one is there. Seeking help, it seems I’ve done it quite correctly, but something the technician says tells me exactly what is going on. Several from my class, it seems, are here to graph and histogram as well. My prints are disappearing in the crowd.

I learn instead to print one at a time; run over quickly, pick it up and safely store away until the project has been done.

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