REALITY: Vertically Challenged

I’ve been putting this thought off for a while, losing its impact when away from the situation, but this morning it drifted back to me and got stuck behind my eyeballs, which is exactly where the problem originated from the outside of me.

At 7:30 a.m., the sun is at a distance from the horizon where it is annoyingly bright and blinding should you be short and heading east.  A taller person driving at that hour, likewise heading east, would not be bothered by this occurrence, and a certain number of people not overly tall, but average perhaps, can still find relief by lowering the visor. 

I am beneath visor standards, at least at 7:30 in the morning, heading east.   Sunrise as well comes earlier for me and others of my stature, and I must plan my driving habits taking into account direction, time of day, and allow for seasonal adjustments.  But obviously, everyone must get hit at some point, I would think.

Perhaps this is how we came up with the saying, "man of the hour."

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