WRITING: Metaphorically Clean

Down another train of thought this dark morning, rail by rail progressing in directions leading far away from the point of departure.

Was about to send an e-mail to recipients who, while not easily offended, may not need the word "crap" left in place on something that addresses an issue of some importance or interest. "Crap" turned to "crepe" (although in reality, I’ve often had the reverse happen until the pan is at that perfect temperature to gild rather than blacken such a delicate delight) as just a twist of letters and pronounciation.  But metaphorically, it is a fine word to use.

Although "full of crap" is a more common meaning, crap can also cover, wrap to form a barrier around or act as holder of the stuffing which is the prize, and so the opposite to that idea.  Voilá!  Le Crepe!

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