Just another marker on my weblog, this is my 1500th post.  What makes it more special for me is that while I’m typing it, the printer in the next room is spitting out a booklet I put together on the New Media course of last semester that is a compilation of entries here in Spinning from that category.

As a writer, I wrote consistently about the course as I learned new things that particularly fascinated me, puzzled me, or had me thinking deep and dark into the hallways it invited me to enter.  To help promote the course, and at the same time, assuring myself that it would be available on campus in its furthered stages of learning, and as a portfolio addition, the booklet was a record of a journey that I personally enjoyed and like having in this record format.  There’s no small sense of pride, however, in seeing it all done up; a bit hokey, not slick, but it’s a physical thing that I can hold and show and sleep with–no, I’m not that bad.  Even though the words have been out there in weblog entries, the compilation of them in one place (aside from the weblog category archives) is more satisfying; the sheer bulk of the pages, versus scrolling onscreen, the heft and weight and realness of the words in this form.  I’ll tell you, it’s better than an award or medal, and it’s got me thinking again about why, despite the internet publishing of e-books, e-zines, weblogs, etc., one will still strive for the pleasure of the printed page.

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3 Responses to NEW MEDIA & BLOGGING: Celebrating

  1. Loretta says:

    congrats on the 1500th post. I am never bored on your blog. You always have such a diverse and rich group of writings. I feel very unintellectual in comparison!

  2. susan says:

    Loretta, you are much more educated and wise than myself. What may appear to be intellectual on my part, are perhaps the crazed musings of a wonderer, newly tainted with some college learning that better expresses my grassroots viewpoint of life. I’m also older and childless, and tend to worry more about the reflections of life gone by and the future. Plus, Poe-influence at an early age has given me an odd way of writing–in reality, I don’t express myself well in conversation. Now ain’t that a hoot?

  3. Congrats on both milestones — your 150th post and the blog chapbook!

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