NEW MEDIA: Resolution

Rather appropriate I guess, that in the midst of my waffling about story beyond the opening paragraph, I am in fact about to publish an unfinished narrative, the story of my introduction to and progress through new media research and study via the debut this past semester of New Media: Perspectives at Tunxis Community College in Farmington, Connecticut.

While my journey continues, following James through Silent Hill 2, building and wiping out whole neighborhoods in Sims 2, learning how to use Macromedia Flash, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, planning on buying others when I progress to animation and into hypertext fiction and IF, there comes a point when I must enter a trip report before following the trail.  A rest stop, perhaps, and a way of compiling my experience as an novice makes her way through the course.  I find it interesting that, for the purposes of keeping this jounal the very much new-media format of a weblog was implemented. 

My paths have already forked from story in straight text to the exciting cosmos that technology offers.  And they’ll go on from here, duly reported as I stumble and grope around this new energy field I’ve entered.  But for now, this entry will serve as a stopping point for this original journal, and hope that it may serve as well as a guide and inspiration to others to follow, and for me, a happy remembrance of just the beginning  hesitant steps along an exciting highway. 

Besides, I have to file an expense report for the trip…

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