Okay, so I succumbed to the sword of cone-head again and again.  At least I "learned" to save the game to the point prior to entering the fatal hallway encounter.

I believe what I am learning in this meeting of man and monster is that the gun doesn’t work, and I’m deliberating trying the chainsaw but reluctant since I am sure that I’ll be facing even  greater dangers ahead (should I ever, in fact, get ahead).  I think my problem is that I get too excited and haven’t as yet learned to maneuver James quickly enough nor in the right direction (personal problem here) to avoid the mighty sword of death wielded by this monster.

I also notice that I’m strongly affected by emotion here, the sense of danger, the facing of battle, the shaking hands and pounding heart after the skirmish–which should settle my mind instead by confirming that indeed, it is only virtual death, not the real thing.

No book, and damn few movies (Night of the Living Dead is one of them) have ever gotten me so worked up.

Maybe I’d better put in the SIMS as an alternate diversion from my chores.

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