WRITING: What it can be

There’s never been any question but that besides being informational, story is a form of entertainment.  Books, movies, television, games; all a world where we can, in one manner or another, read ourselves into a different place and time than we take for our present existence.

Do we magnanimously write then for the pleasure of others?  To entertain them?  To gain for ourselves some small amount of compensation in glory or in coin?  Yeah, mostly, especially if self-satisfaction comes under the glory heading.

But wait!  That’s not all!  For no additional cost, we’ll send you on an all-expense paid week or month or year in another world as well!

Fun to enjoy another’s choice of where you want to linger over pages or a screen for a little while.  More fun, I think, to pick and choose, and write your mental trip yourself.  From sunny days of sparkling snowy fields and old stone walls that smile beneath their winter hats, to Mars and New Atlantis and the freedom born of short story where you don’t even have to waste the time to sleep or go to work. 

For me, that’s what my writing is about, but need I justify?

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2 Responses to WRITING: What it can be

  1. Loretta says:

    No justification necessary ~ ’tis the same for me!

  2. susan says:

    Loretta, we have to meet for lunch this summer. Aside from having children, we’re so much alike! (At least I don’t think I had any, hmmm….)

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