REALITY: Obsession

While I haven’t been writing as much here lately, I indeed have been writing up a storm.  Most of it is in short story form, and the rest is in Learning to Spin, my Creative Writing journal.  I’m on a mission.  Write–>learn–>read–>learn–>write.

Yes, this is my life.  Only one of the many things my parents taught me was dedication to duty (remember the New Media course postings?  Don’t you wish I’d have opened a different blog for that at the time?).  With a little rationalization, I have managed to elevate my schoolwork (in this class, at least) to top priority level.  Writing really is important to me, not to the exclusion of all else, but it does seem that when I separate myself from the mundane necessities of life, I am at a creative high.  God bless those you have the sanity and intellect to manage to mix.  Not me.

But I will not neglect Spinning as perhaps I have been in the past couple weeks–though I still don’t think vacuuming’s important.

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