WRITING: Growing Up

I know I’ve said this before–and look forward to saying it many more times, but my writing style in short story has changed dramatically.  I’m not sure this is voice, or something that develops with the slow absorption of recognizing the qualities by reading the work of others and hence, spitting them out again in my own work, but little by little, there has been a definite change.

It’s also happening more quickly now.  A story of two, three months ago is vastly different than the ones I’ve put out in the past couple weeks.  They’re still not up there, but they’re getting closer to the quality I’m aiming for.  My rambling is less, my imagery–just developed the capacity to understand it and incorporate it, this past week.  Learning to see where the story really ended, although I still tend to go beyond that point, but have usually cut its tail off by the beginning of the second draft.

But there is a frenetic pace that pumps the new blood.  As if something serious has been discovered and all the time and energy shifts to focus and bring back to life.  Is the clock ticking?  Is the sense of urgency something to be heeded?

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2 Responses to WRITING: Growing Up

  1. Jason says:

    “Is the clock ticking? Is the sense of urgency something to be heeded?”

    Yepperini. }:)

  2. susan says:

    Thank you, Jason, for the added pressure. My heart has since stopped beating, but instead is ticking loudly within me. I anticipate the alarm going off…

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