Well, so it finally snowed on History class night!

While I’m in essay mode, I’m finishing up my Western Civ exam and may start in on the book analysis of Voltaire’s Candide.  Might also do some of the short story analysis beyond the mid-semester requirements for CW, or at the very least, some of the quickie critiques of at least those that have really struck me from Fast Fiction and Sudden Fiction.  Think I’m getting behind on my reading because of the involvement in writing, and need to get back into Suttree and some of the lit journals that are piling up.  Probably need to just assign free time at night to reading rather than writing, and just do a little writing for an hour in the morning instead of four, or all day.  Might even get back into ironing and making dinners. 

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2 Responses to WRITING: Essays

  1. ntexas99 says:

    perish the thought immediately! (ironing and dinners)

    reading is rewarding … writing is rewarding … reading is necessary … writing is necessary … reading and writing are essential

    hard to delegate the minutes, isn’t it?

  2. Tiffany says:

    I read Candide toward the beginning of the semester. I’d love to read it in French sometime, just to see how the translation is different.

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