It just dawned on me, and confirms what I’ve come to diagnosis myself as:  Spatially Impaired and Directionally Dysfunctional.  And, I’ve noticed this because of some writing quirks (flaws, really) that I hold true to.  (besides dangling participles)

I have no sense of time; think I can make the loop of errands in four towns and eight stops in half an hour.  This drives my husband insane.  (only one of my methods)

I have no sense of space; consider something a mile away to be just around the corner and vice versa.  I have lived in Burlington for fifteen years, yet do not remember which road that cuts off my own ends up where on Route 4.

And now this:  I have a problem with tenses in both writing and reading (it was much worse in Spanish!).  For all my decent grammatical ability, I mix tenses constantly and inconsistently.

My husband calls it "Susan-time."  I prefer to think that I drift as a free spirit through time and space, transcending the barriers that would halt smarter souls. 

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2 Responses to SELF ANALYSIS: Space

  1. jug says:

    I completly understand the problem you have with directions and space. I get lost even in my hometown. Even if I have gone on a rout 10 times with someone else diriving, I am very likely to get lost when I try it for the first time (or second time, or third :-)).

  2. susan says:

    Welcome to the group! I like to think that maybe we are instinctively explorers rather than merely the lost.

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