I’m still re-reading, and find that I can’t really just skim through because McCarthy’s writing style is not something that you can skim, nor would you want to.  In fact, his work needs to be read several times, especially if you want to enjoy the book as well as drool over his use of language.

But I find myself wondering more about his character, Bud Suttree.  I warmed right up to him, the maverick type, the one you don’t want to fall in love with because he’s his own man above all else. 

But is he really the good guy, intellect disguised to fit smoothly into his environment, or is he really a non-caring selfish bastard?

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One Response to LITERATURE: Suttree

  1. ntexas99 says:

    if you’re going to talk about me, please don’t do it right out here in the open

    (she smiles and makes her exit)

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