Today I must behave myself.  No playing games, no having fun.  No writing except to complain here, and no reading except about lousy carrots and calories.  I have to prepare for an exam to take by Friday, and I’m nervous, of course.  I did get a 100 on my food safety assignment, however.

And in the frameshop, I think I may have taken in about as much as I’ve put out these past few weeks of working Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays when I’m closed. 

But I played in dirt this morning, so that has fed my soul, though seeds aren’t in, I hand-pulled weeds out of about a third of the garden.  It was cold and drizzley this morning and the weeds had set their roots in firmly in the slowly moistening soil.  It was a battle, but I kept it up till weary and my watch revealed only a few minutes left to shower and get into the shop.

I watched the soil wash off me and run down the drain.  And suddenly I wasn’t susie-farmer any more.

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