WRITING: The Conference

Well, several delicious meals into the conference (I judge all adventures by the food), I’m not sure how I’m feeling here.  I sort of feel out of my element, odd, because the purpose is to bring writers together.

But aside from the ones who want to tell you what they’re doing and get your opinion, or merely just to brag, there are some good people.  Sunday was mainly a meet and greet, and I had more fun just getting to know a bit more about my friend Sally.  We found each other of like mind on several issues, like avoiding the loudmouth who clamped onto us with the biggest cheeriest smile that made you almost feel sorry for her.

Strange, but I want to get away from everyone to go find a quiet corner and write.  I don’t want to mingle and discuss.  The Wesleyan campus is absolutely beautiful, and I could really get into the kick off your shoes and lay on the lawn bit.  I sit around looking thoughful, have been reading, but sadly, feel lost in the writing end of it without my laptop.  Maybe tomorrow, when we’re planning a shorter day of it, I may bring it with me.

I’ve taken three classes today, but don’t know if I’ll continue all three throughout the week.  There’s assignments of both reading and writing in each, and in the meantime, I’m trying to keep up with my Nutrition course as well (Did manage to get 6 points added out of the 8 I argued.  Should have argued 12 and gotten 10 maybe.).

Maybe it’s just the intensive full three classes in a row that made me antsy, and I think what I’ll do tomorrow is maybe sit in on one of the others, such as poetry instead of all fiction classes. 

We stayed for the readings tonight, and one of the readers read so beautifully that it wouldn’t really matter what she wrote, you just wanted to listen to her speak. 

Somehow, I’m not really meshing with this yet.  There isn’t the high that I expected.  I think it may be because I haven’t really been writing, even here at Spinning for this time dedicated to writing.  Maybe bringing along the laptop is the answer.  At least, at five pounds it should anchor me in a quiet spot to sit and write.  Although the food I’ve eaten here is probably as good a weight as any.

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One Response to WRITING: The Conference

  1. Loretta says:

    Susan, I’ve never done an as intensive writing course experience, but I have done it in art. I tend to have the same general reaction you are having. I just want to sit in the corner and observe, or run home to my studio and make things. I’d be unable to write without my laptop also. I’m seriously thinking about an Apple notebook, my consolation prize since I doubt we’re going to Italy. In any event, have fun!!

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