BLOGGING: Changes…I hope.

Somehow the personal keeps creeping in here though I’ve promised myself I wouldn’t let it.  Will build higher walls, thicker and more sound.

July is going to be another rough one.  The plan is to make it end by the 15th.  I need the last two weeks to change, to think, to work at what I need to do, unhampered by July.

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3 Responses to BLOGGING: Changes…I hope.

  1. Loretta says:

    Susan, for me your posts shine the most when the personal does creep in. What are your qualms about doing so?

  2. susan says:

    I guess what bothers me are the entries that are simply whining or ranting about things that no one else can or will help me with anyway. I never used to be a whiner–just the opposite really, to the point of exploding when I stored it all inside and it just got to be more than I could handle. By treating Spinning as a relief valve, I forget that I am also opening myself up to at the least, a bored response, and at the worst, an unpleasant image of me as a person.

    I don’t want Spinning to become a “Dear Diary” for my tantrums. Nor do I like the change in me–the cracking of that stiff upper lip I’ve spent a lifetime starching.

  3. Neha says:

    It’s your blog, budd. Do what you want to.

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