BLOGGING: Spinning Off in a New Direction

I’ve said this before, and maybe it is just the cool but slowly warming up Friday morning, and the fact that voles have destroyed my best jalapeno plant, but I’m planning on steering Spinning back on track (thus not really a new direction, since that’s how it started out) as a semi-literate literary weblog.  I say semi-literate because I am still coming from a learning position rather than a credentialed one on literature, and also because I don’t think I’ll ever attain a true intellectual analytical state or even want to lose the more common reader evaluative tendencies and simple language style that is my own.  Yeah, it’s a cop-out.  I’m saying that I am open to argument but not up to high level critique because I just don’t always know what I’m talking about.

There will still, of course, be my regular morning-inspired flights of poetics, and lots of reality-based postings, mainly because offline, I am a real person.  Honest, I do laundry, own a business, have a family and friends.  They inspire me or aggravate me often enough to write about it.  I will also maintain some of my versional poetry or story starters, although if they turn out halfway decent, or at the very least (which is my standard) I think they do, they’ll be transferred the hell out of here and into Talespinning for further work and rework.  I’m supposed to be a writer, after all.

For the past five years I have joined the ranks of those academics who count the year in semesters above seasons.  You’ve had to listen to my rants and raves from Algebra to Statistics, and if you’re still with me, the good news is that I won’t be doing that at least.  However, maintaining the discipline of study and learning from formal education, I will be working my way through planned and unplanned readings and will be expounding (as much as I know how to–it seems a big important word for a five-foot hundred-pounder) on literary topics of various genres.

And now and then, probably quite often, I’ll still play the fool.

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