EDUCATION: The Piece of Paper

A leisurely walk across the street to the mailbox from the shop where I had heard the familiar sound of the mailtruck slowing down and stopping, a blip of wheels, a stop, and it goes on down the street and turns the corner.  The second stop meant mail for us. 

A white cardboard folder often means another framing job for me, and this may be no exception.  Rather anticlimactically I withdraw the certificate with my name; proof that I am indeed a holder of degree.


What does it mean?  Not what I thought it would;  not an end, but a beginning.

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3 Responses to EDUCATION: The Piece of Paper

  1. Loretta says:

    And you will frame it of course! Congratulations on a job well done.

  2. steve says:

    Congratulations. We’ll sing a song at the next narratives meeting.

  3. susan says:

    Thank you, thank you. A song would be lovely.

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