REALITY: Multitasking Life

Last evening I noticed a flutter at the feeder and thought it to be a very hungry bird that tried to get the seeds from inside the feeder out of reach.  He hustled back and forth a while and then he stopped.  I realized his greedy little head was stuck inside. 

I do not like quick moving jumping at me kind of things.  But I was, I saw, the little sparrow’s only hope.  I went over to the feeder, speaking softly to him since he could not see me and lifted the top and slid the plexiglass partition up.  It took a moment for him to realize that he was free; it took a moment for me to realize he wasn’t dead.  He roused himself from flattened form and flew away.

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3 Responses to REALITY: Multitasking Life

  1. Sallie says:

    How nice… Me-tinks you have another angelwing, to add to the other two. :-}

  2. Mark says:

    “flattened form”


  3. susan says:

    Thanks, Sallie. I’m getting up there in age and figured I’d better start damage control before it’s too late.

    Mark, Thanks, but if you’d seen the little sucker that’s exactly what he looked like. Sort of Wylie Coyote after the Roadrunner set up that boulder…

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