Despite the best of altruistic efforts, we cannot avoid the importance of our own space and those we allow to enter.  And in a way, while it may not be as Christian to hold a few above the multitude as more worthy of our caring, I feel that if we are kind at least to all within our reach the circles overlap and cover all.

Each day we take a path formed by decision.  Each day we interact with those who care enough to guide us in the journey.  I, for one, am deeply grateful to the friends who give and share and understand and hurt when I am hurting.  I hope that I give back to them repeatedly just as they give to me.  There are friends I’d give my life for, and yet I hope that without thinking I would do the same for strangers in their time of need.  One is a learned and cultivated thinking.  One is a natural inborn trait of man.

One minute in a day diverts direction.  Events are blips that autoswitch the tracks. Experience does not always light the way.  The longer I live, the less I understand the living.

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