WRITING: Inspiration

Sometimes it takes a bit of rubbing shoulders with creativity to come home with the residue to write.

Inspired by others–though I be intimidated by Marquez, my solitary source for quite a while now–I may have discovered paths to take that lead in new directions in a constant and more private journey.

My smelly scholar, Few, a garbage heap who learns the love of books, may take yet another leap into hypertext.

Update:  Within the hour reality opines:  The writing is above average perhaps, but not earth-crashing-into-sun great.  What I’ve been learning from reading is the story within story that sets a tale apart.  The deeper meaning or possibility of interpretation that raises it above entertainment.  As the dawn finally reveals the details dimly still in the room of my mind, I can see nothing of any great import, nothing of mine to giftwrap and present, nothing so vital that need be shared to inspire or move others. 

Really, I don’t think I have anything worthwhile to give, and fine writing is only a ribbon of text binding an empty box of truth.

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One Response to WRITING: Inspiration

  1. Mark says:

    You should buy “Vanya on 42nd Street” DVD at first opportunity.

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