BLOGGING: Community

While I have not as yet figured out how to display the logo, I am happy to report that I have been accepted by the 9rules Network which opens up a whole new world of quality blogging to me, as well as introducing Spinning to the membership.

And, I have joined Bud Parr of Chekov’s Mistress in his venture MetaxuCafe which is a community of readers and writers and reviewers of literature that features updated headlines from its members–something that Bud had thoughtfully already done on his own weblog–and grants its membership a one-website wealth of links and connections and discussion forum that organizes those of like mind.  I applaud Bud’s interest and unflagging support of literary efforts, and appreciate that it does not limit to a select few, as does the well produced Emerging Writers Network that while one may join, receives only notices as benefit rather than becoming a productive and linked member.  You may submit for membership at MetaxuCafe, and I encourage you to do so.

Now, to organize not only my Typelist links but my Bloglines listing to include these new friends found.

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One Response to BLOGGING: Community

  1. SB says:

    Good for you — 9rules never even responded to me! I’ll be following them to see how they evolve, and their inclusion of your site is a good sign.

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