REALITY: Resume Writing

Today I have resume rewriting on the agenda, for both Jim and myself, as well as submitting them for application for employment other than our normally established career lines.

For Jim, a bit different engineering than within the aerospace and tool design parameters that his history reveals.  For myself, away from the secretarial (Gawd, I don’t wanna spend my time making somebody’s plane reservations!) and towards the copywriting or academic opportunities.  My A.S. should get me something better than where I was five years ago, I would hope.  And of course, Spinning (after a scan to perhaps delete the whiney postings) may be used as a portfolio.

This is where creative writing know-how comes in handy.  It is never a question of false statements–I just wouldn’t do that–but rather of highlighting aspects and downplaying or eliminating others that gear the resume towards particular job opportunities.  For example, while I don’t bother mentioning Bowmen’s Bulletin or Spinning on resumes sent for clerical positions, I would include them and take out some of the more mundane secretarial positions I’ve held.  If I were applying for a retail position, it would be natural to up-play my entrepreneurial enterprises of the framing business.

It will be interesting to see where the new year finds us, and though we don’t really wish to pull up roots and relocate, it may be necessary to survive.  But January will be a telling month, and I’m beginning to quietly sort, organize and toss out or pack our past in the real possibility of upheaval.


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