EDUCATION & REALITY?: Education & Purpose

Not a little sad that even now, in seeking employment after taking even that one step further in education, my own alma mater won’t bother responding much less ecstatically welcome my offer to serve.  Odd that what we supposedly learn by pursuit of learning is that it doesn’t apply to the real world.  Why bother with grammar and English and communication if the institution itself doesn’t practice what it preaches?

Maybe Walmart is less discriminating and more polite.  Wonder if they pay enough to salvage the money wasted on "education."  Even as academics lament the loss of literature, and corporations bemoan the state of the language, it seems clear that college need be geared instead toward the latest version of software rather than the basics and classics if it indeed has anything to do with future career choice.  Screw Western Civ and Stats and Compositon–there’s always spell check and the research button–concentrate on overcoming the laziness to depend on these miracles instead of knowledge that would preclude needing them.

I’m outta here.

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One Response to EDUCATION & REALITY?: Education & Purpose

  1. mark says:

    Chin up girl. I think formal education will come around. But for you and me and our like – it’s all about individual pursuit. 🙂 For the fun of it.

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