LITERATURE: Lit Journals

Well, so much for Prairie Schooner.  Just got the Winter 2005 issue in the mail.  There are four short stories in it.  Four.  I think I’ll just let this subscription run out, which appears to be summer of ’07.  But if you’re into poetry, essays and reviews, it looks to be a bonanza.  I’m just a fiction writer and frankly, even though I want to be a poet, I’m really not learning anything too much from the new stuff–at least without learning the old ways better first.

But this is not to discourage anyone from subscribing because not only are the journals usually full of good stuff to read, they’re also a learning tool if you want to write.  As a matter of fact, Dan over at the Emerging Writers Network has a wonderful offer on many of the major journals that gets you an extra subscription free so check it out.

My next post, should I choose to accept it, will be an overall view of a Ploughshares issue that I’ve just about finished (I read all the fiction, scanned through the poetry, and insist on reading both nonfiction pieces because they’re good.

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