REALITY?: Justice and Truth

Today I looked a lawyer straight in the eye as she sat across the bargaining table and I pointed out that no, we did not HAVE to grant a 6% discount on the sale of my dad’s house.  She said yes, that it was in the will.  I’ve had this go-round with her before.  I quoted from the will, which clearly bore the stipulation only if a sale was consummated within a year, six months now past.  She hemmed.  I pointed out that SHE had written up the will.  She looked away from me.  My lawyer smiled ever so secretively.

Worse happened, and I kept my cool almost all the way through, without raising my voice but with the embers stirred as they tried one more ploy.  But justice cannot be unjust…can it?

Now back to Boethius, to find Consolation in Philosophy.

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One Response to REALITY?: Justice and Truth

  1. Mark says:

    Nice contrast between reality and theories of justice.

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