LITERATURE & REALITY?: Consolation and Reality

I’ve read a bit more on this same page.  Reread it, and still argue. 

Meanwhile, Storm Carson blows from east to west and west to east.  Somehow I think it’s just an inch that blows from neighbor’s yard to neighbor’s yard and lands in piled up drifts three feet in our own driveway. 

Sideways snow.  Like making up one’s mind by seeking truth from all directions.  If fair is what I want to get and give, how then can it be worthless.  If hurt is not worth averting as it should not be felt at all, how does one turn one’s back on stepping in and keeping one from stabbing to the heart another.  If fighting for myself and only worldly goods I’d back away.  But in my father’s name and in the sense of justice for all three remaining I take on the purpose.  But what is honor, what is pride, and what is justice?  And what reward but quickly aging towards an end that can’t be happy in this world, and may not exist at all beyond.

I just don’t understand.

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