First I categorized this entry under literature, but decided that everything is story, so I’d take it to the next level.

This Sony reader gizmo due out intrigued me.  Even the $350 price tag seemed okay, compared to the price of paperbacks these days.  But the downloads at even $2.00 each for a book doesn’t make it worthwhile. 

I like the format, and what it can do for the heavy reader versus the pile of paper books or the not so snuggly laptop reading.  So from "I WANT one" I’ve swiftly snuck back to my pre-technology roots until I’ve seen it for myself.  Or at least until I could even think about affording it.

More info here.   

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2 Responses to NEW MEDIA: E-Books

  1. Bud Parr says:

    Last I checked, their download site was not Mac friendly either. Just one indication that their ideas are better than execution and will therefore probably not make a big splash this go around.

  2. susan says:

    Isn’t that always the way: Marketing comes way before the necessary working out of all the quirks. I’ve learned to never buy technology until it’s been out at least six month.

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